The collection envisions a future where unconventional style reigns supreme, where societal boundaries fade away, allowing individuality to shine. The color palette, consisting of vibrant shades like scarlet, navy, and beige, emerges from fabrics such as fine corduroy, checkered jacquard, eco-leather, and street denim. The design recipe of bold and muted tones, hardness and softness, layers, and cutouts celebrates uniqueness in a world of conformity. The silhouettes of the designs are boxy and mature but the cutouts add a bold and attractive touch to the loose garments which allow room for comfort, revealing some skin and other layered pieces underneath, creating a variation of looks. To challenge the mature shapes of the pieces, the designer added daring emoji patches creating a fun way of self-expression and adding to the street fashion aspect of the brand, collection, and physical and digital world we are living in.

 Photographed by ©KennethDumevi ©Yelyzaveta_Samsonova ©Lennart_Kofi
